Design and Implementation of a Web-based University Voting System (UVS)

An Online Voting System is a web based system that facilitates the running of elections online. Most higher learning institutions in Kenya conduct elections regularly in order to elect a student leadership to elect them. The elections conducted are mainly manual hence they are marred with irregularities which usually affect negatively the results of the election. In this era of advanced technology where online systems boosts work speed, reduces mistakes and promote the generation of accurate results, having a manual system like the paper-based version becomes a misfortune. An online system, which involves procedures like registration of voters, vote casting, vote counting, and declaring results etc. would constitute a good solution to replace current system that is in the universities in Kenya. Online systems have the advantage of providing convenience to the voter and reduce the time wasted in the queuing process at election centers and also promote security in the voting process. This paper hence describes the UVS which is a web-based online voting system that helps facilitate voting on the internet by providing a platform students are provided with an online registration form which requires them to register as voters, and then the details filled on the form are submitted in the database which then approves the user who can then login into the UVS and cast their vote. The UVS was developed using the waterfall model due to the adaptive nature of web based applications and the system proved that a computerized solution is possible with elimination of human related faults that are a commonplace in employment of human clerks to manage the election process. This paper has proposed the basic structure of the system and its functionality which can be employed to replace the current electoral system used in Universities.

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Computer has effectively attracted a great deal of attention in recent timesdus to its automation process and its effect in the society. Computer is primarily concerned with accuracy, conservation and efficiency. In conclusion, the basic goal of this project is to design an efficient system that will ensure credible, free and fair election in Nigeria. It will lighten the productivity times while providing the effective, efficient and accurate service demanded by the public. This makes web-based voting system the most convenient, democratic, verifiable, accurate, secure and efficient voting system in use today. The methodology used in designing the program is waterfall model. Waterfall model is a sequential process in which each phase of the design must be completed before proceeding to another phase. The phases involved in waterfall model includes; requirement analysis, system design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, operation and maintenance. MYSQL server will be used to create the database for the design. The database design for this system has four tables. The choice of programming language is very important when developing any system. In the development of this program, the researcher made use of Programming Languages converted to .exe to work together. These Programming Languages are: PHP on Dreamweaver platform and The database used for this system is MYSQL. The impact of web-based voting system on elections has been highlighted and should not be overemphasized. Therefore, the following are recommended for effective implementation and operation of a web-based voting system. Proper voting awareness should be carried out on the electorate to enable them know how to use it. Computer literacy should be completely encouraged. Adequate security measures should be put in place to prevent fraud. Reliable network interconnectivity, reinforced database servers should be put in place. Reliable power supply should be put into place by the management to ensure that the computer systems are on and ready to run the program.

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