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Tax office

Csörsz utca 43.
H-1124 Budapest,
Telephone: +36 1 920 6800

Szabó Kelemen & Partners Andersen Attorneys

Mészáros utca 58/A.
H-1016 Budapest,
Telephone: +36 1 288 8200

©Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Adótanácsadó Zrt. and Szabó, Kelemen and Partners Andersen Law Firm are the Hungarian member firms of Andersen Global, a Swiss verein comprised of legally separate, independent member firms located throughout the world providing services under their own name or the brand "Andersen Tax" or "Andersen Tax & Legal," or "Andersen Legal." Andersen Global does not provide any services and has no responsibility for any actions of the member firms, and the member firms have no responsibility for any actions of Andersen Global. Your use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions governing it. Please read these terms and conditions before using the website.