701 Effective Safety Committee Operations

To better understand and convey the role of your safety committee as an internal consultant team providing expert advice and assistance, think about creating a "vision statement." The vision statement helps each safety committee member understand who they are, what their purpose, aspirations, and overarching goals. It identifies the safety committee. It is future-oriented and inspires committee members to work towards a shared vision.


Safety committee members play the role of consultants.

Because a good vision statement helps determine who each member is, it will also help them determine what to do and make it more likely that together they will realize that vision.

To help the safety committee function better, each safety committee member must understand this basic principle:

What we do depends on who we think we are.

Sample Vision Statement: "The safety committee helps management lead in creating a world-class safety culture through educating employees and consulting with management."

See below for a list of what a safety committee with a vision as a consultant group will do to achieve its purposes.

Safety Committee Consultant Activities

Safety committees that perform as internal consultants will:

A final word about vision: You may be wondering why some safety committees fail. We're sure you're familiar with the saying, "Where there is no vision, the people will perish." (Proverbs 29:18) This important principle applies to safety committees as well.

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1-2. The safety committee's vision statement describes _____.