Click on the provider types below for more enrollment details.
Administrative Services Organization (ASO)
Provider Type: 81
Specialty: Transportation
Specialty Code: 810
Specialty: Dental
Specialty Code: 811
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 96
Specialty: Supported Therapeutic Transitional Living
Specialty Code: 561
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 44
Specialty: Ambulatory Surgery Center
Specialty Code: 300
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 19
Specialty: Audiologist
Specialty Code: 310
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - directly bills for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments for Billing Individuals ONLY:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes - with proof of a Colorado License |
Provider Type: 91
Specialty: BHA Administrative Service Organization (ASO)
Specialty Code: 900
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 88
Specialty: Behavioral Health Crisis Line
Specialty Code: 888
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 95
Specialty: Acute Treatment Unit (ATU)
Specialty Code: 386
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Specialty: Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU)
Specialty Code: 387
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Specialty: Mobile Crisis Response
Specialty Code: 772
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type:77
Specialty: With Prescriber
Specialty Code: 388
Specialty: Without Prescriber
Specialty Code: 389
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | With Prescriber = Yes Without Prescriber = No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 92
Specialty: BHA Managed Service Organization (MSO)
Specialty Code: 899
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 97
Specialty: Secure Transportation
Specialty Code: 773
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Behavioral Therapy - Clinic
Provider Type: 83
Please read the definition below before choosing this provider type.
Specialty: Behavioral Therapy Clinic
Specialty Code: 830
Enrollment Type: Group
Important: If you are a Behavioral Health provider serving individuals with mental illness and/or substance use disorders, do not select this provider type. Refer to the information for Non-Physician Practitioner Groups (25) and/or Substance Use Disorder Clinics (64).
Definition: Services for children/youth under age 21 who have an autism spectrum disorder or similar condition: Health First Colorado Criteria for Behavioral Therapy
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 84
Please read the definition below before choosing this provider type.
Specialty: Behavioral Therapist
Specialty Code: 831
Definition: Services for children/youth under age 21 who have an autism spectrum disorder or similar condition: Health First Colorado Criteria for Behavioral Therapy
Important: If you are a Behavioral Health provider serving individuals with mental illness and/or substance use disorders, do not select this provider type. Refer to information for Licensed Behavioral Health Clinicians (38) or Licensed Psychologists (37).
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills, OR
Billing Individual: Bills directly for themselves.
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments for Billing Individual only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
This provider type is no longer available for new enrollments. A Trading Partner ID (TPID) is required to submit batch claims or batch eligibility files. Visit the Trading Partner Information web page for additional information regarding TPIDs.
Provider Type: 58
Specialty: Free Standing Birthing Center
Specialty Code: 116
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 11
Specialty: Contracted Case Management
Specialty Code: 330
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Specialty: Targeted Case Management/Transition Services (TCM/TS)
Specialty Code: 770
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Specialty: Targeted Case Management/HCBS (TCM/HCBS)
Specialty Code: 771
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 80
Specialty: Certified Midwife
Specialty Code: 211
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Referring, Prescribing - limited to Ordering/Referring/Prescribing
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments for Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 40
Specialty: Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
Specialty Code: 340
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments for Billing Individuals only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 18
Specialty: Chiropractor-QMB
Specialty Code: 321
Enrollment Type: Billing Individual – directly bills for themselves
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 47
Specialty: Clinic - Dental
Specialty Code: 350
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 16
Specialty: Clinic - Practitioner
Specialty Code: 351
Specialty: Telemedicine
Specialty Code: 878
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 86
Specialty: Community Clinic or Freestanding Emergency Dep.
Specialty Code: 860
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
THIS PROVIDER TYPE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR NEW ENROLLMENTS AS OF July 1, 2024. The Community Mental Health Center provider type is being replaced by the Comprehensive Safety Net Provider. Please review the requirements indicated for the Comprehensive Safety Net Provider.
Community Support Services Provider
Provider Type: 89
Specialty: Recovery Support Services Organization
Specialty Code: 889
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Specialty: Supportive Housing Provider
Specialty Code: 208
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 78
Specialty: Comprehensive Community Behavioral Health Provider
Specialty Code: 887
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 66
Specialty: Dental Hygienist
Specialty Code: 066
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group – affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual – bills directly for themselves
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 98
Specialty: Dental Therapist
Specialty Code: 776
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual – bills directly for themselves
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments for Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 04
Specialty: Oral Surgery
Specialty Code: 061
OR Specialty: Dentist
Specialty Code: 062
OR Specialty: Orthodontist
Specialty Code: 063
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 46
Specialty: Developmental Evaluation Clinic
Specialty Code: 370
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 33
Specialty: Dialysis Center
Specialty Code: 375
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 69
Specialty: DEM/CPM
Specialty Code: 361
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 79
Specialty: Doula
Specialty Code: 210
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments for Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
THIS PROVIDER TYPE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR NEW ENROLLMENTS. Family planning services currently may be provided under the Clinic – Practitioner or Non-Physician Practitioner – Group provider types. Review those provider type requirements to select the appropriate entity based on your credentialed professionals.
Federally Qualified Health Center
Provider Type: 32
Specialty: Freestanding
Specialty Code: 150
OR Specialty: Hospital Based
Specialty Code: 160
OR Specialty: Denver Health and Hospital School Based Clinics
Specialty Code: 199
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes (Only for Specialties 150 and 160) | BT Allowed? | Yes (Only for Specialties 150 and 160) |
Provider Type: 65
Specialty: Foreign Teaching Physician
Specialty Code: 500
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group – affiliates to a group and the group bills
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 23
Specialty: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Specialty Code: 391
OR Specialty: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)/PACE
Specialty Code: 393
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes-HMO/PACE-393, No-HMO-391 |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Specialty: D-SNP HMO/PPO (Dual Special Needs Programs)
Specialty Code: 400
Required Attachments:
Risk Level | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 36 Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 10
Specialty: Home Health
Specialty Code: 385
Enrollment Type: Facility
This specialty includes Home Health and Private Duty Nursing.
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 50
Specialty: Hospice
Specialty Code: 390
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 01
Specialty: Hospital - General
Specialty Code: 301
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 02
Specialty: Hospital - Mental
Specialty Code: 302
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 12
Specialty: Independent Laboratory
Specialty Code: 410
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 61
Specialty: Indian Health Services
Specialty Code: 170
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 62
Specialty: Indian Health Services
Specialty Code: 420
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 38
Specialty: Licensed Behavioral Health Clinician
Specialty Code: 521
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group – affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual – bills directly for themselves
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Special Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 37
Specialty: Licensed Psychologist (PhD, PsyD, EdD)
Specialty Code: 520
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Special Instructions:
Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 90
Specialty: Histocompatibility Laboratory
Specialty Code: 890
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Home Infusion Therapy Supplier
Specialty Code: 891
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility
Specialty Code: 897
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Mammography Screening Center
Specialty Code: 893
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program Supplier
Specialty Code: 895
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Medicare Only Hospital
Specialty Code: 892
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Opioid Treatment Program
Specialty Code: 898 High Risk depending on Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) certification
896 Moderate Risk depending on SAMHSA certification
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High or Moderate depending on SAMHSA Certification | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Religious Non-Medical Health Care Institution
Specialty Code: 894
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 25
Specialty: Non-Physician Practitioner - Group
Specialty Code: 441
Specialty: Telemedicine
Specialty Code: 878
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 24
Specialty: Non-Physician Practitioner - Individual
Specialty Code: 440
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group – affiliates to a group and the group bills
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 41
Specialty: Pediatric
Specialty Code: 034
AND/OR Specialty: Family
Specialty Code: 035
AND/OR Specialty: General
Specialty Code: 335
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 22
Specialty: Nurse-Midwife
Specialty Code: 080
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 20
Specialty: Nursing Facility - Hospital Back Up Program
Specialty Code: 382
OR Specialty: Nursing Facility - Regular
Specialty Code: 392
OR Specialty: Nursing Facility - Swing Beds
Specialty Code: 396
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes (396), No (382, 392) | OOS Allowed? | Restricted | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 21
Specialty: ICF/IID - Private
Specialty Code: 383
OR Specialty: ICF/IID - State
Specialty Code: 394
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Restricted | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 28
Specialty: Occupational Therapist
Specialty Code: 450
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 08
Specialty: Optical Outlet
Specialty Code: 395
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 07
Specialty: Optometrist
Specialty Code: 183
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 26
Specialty: Osteopath
Specialty Code: 501
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 60
Specialty: Personal Care Agency
Specialty Code: 560
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 75
Specialty: Pharmacist
Specialty Code: 750
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group – affiliates to a group and the group bills
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 09
ATTENTION ALL PHARMACIES! In order to bill any type of Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies (DME) to Medicaid, you must also select the specialty type "Pharmacy with DME" on your provider application. That specialty type is required even if your pharmacy qualifies for the Medicare exemption from DME accreditation. If you select any other pharmacy specialty, your pharmacy will not be able to bill any DME to Medicaid. Please be advised that "Pharmacy with DME" is a high-risk level specialty that is subject to additional screening requirements.
Specialty: Mail Order
Specialty Code: 460
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
OR Specialty: Pharmacy
Specialty Code: 461
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
OR Specialty: Pharmacy with DME
Specialty Code: 462
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
OR Specialty: Rural Dispensing Physician Site
Specialty Code: 463
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Provider Type: 17
Specialty: Physical Therapist
Specialty Code: 451
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills OR
Billing Individual - directly bills for themselves
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 05
Specialty: Physician
Specialty Code: 505
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Osteopaths (DO): Do not select this provider type. Osteopaths must select Provider Type 26/501.
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 39
Specialty: Physician Assistant
Specialty Code: 510
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group – affiliates to a group and the group bills
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring – limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 06
Specialty: Podiatrist
Specialty Code: 194
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 30
Specialty: Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
Specialty Code: 476
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 68
Specialty: Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP)
Specialty Code: 689
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 85
Specialty: Regional Accountable Entity
Specialty Code: 850
Enrollment Type: Atypical
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | No |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Special Instructions:
Provider Type: 48
Specialty: Practitioner
Specialty Code: 397
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
OR Specialty: Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility
Specialty Code: 470
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Provider Type: 52
Specialty: Mental Health Program
Specialty Code: 471
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 45
Specialty: Hospital-Based
Specialty Code: 398
OR Specialty: Freestanding
Specialty Code: 472
Enrollment Type: Group
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 51
Specialty: School Health Services
Specialty Code: 475
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 42
Specialty: School Health Services
Specialty Code: 777
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | No |
Provider Type: 27
Specialty: Speech Therapist
Specialty Code: 452
Enrollment Type: Individual within a Group - affiliates to a group and the group bills
Billing Individual - bills directly for themselves
Ordering, Prescribing, Referring - limited to Ordering/Prescribing/Referring
Required Attachments:
Additional Attachments For Billing Individuals Only:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 64
Specialty | Specialty Code |
ASAM Level 2.5 Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) | 212 |
ASAM Level 1.0 | 371 |
ASAM Level 1 WM | 372 |
ASAM Level 2.1 IOP | 373 |
ASAM Level 2 WM | 374 |
ASAM Level 3.1 | 871 |
ASAM Level 3.3 | 872 |
ASAM Level 3.5 | 873 |
ASAM Level 3.7 | 874 |
ASAM Level 3.2 WM | 875 |
ASAM Level 3.7 WM | 876 |
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Limited | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Not allowed for ASAM Levels 2.5 PHP, 1.0, 1 WM, 2.1 IOP or out-of-state 2 WM |
Specialty | Specialty Code |
ASAM Level 1.7 Opioid Treatment Provider (OTP) Fully and continuously SAMSHA certified since 10/23/2018. Moderate Risk | 213 |
ASAM Level 1.7 Opioid Treatment Provider (OTP) Not fully and continuously SAMSHA certified since 10/23/2018. High Risk | 214 |
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High or Moderate depending on SAMHSA Certification | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | No | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Substance Use Disorder-Clinics
Specialty Code: 477
Effective August 1, 2024, no new enrollments are allowed for Specialty 477 Substance Use Disorder-Clinics.
Specialty: Special Connections
Specialty Code: 870
Effective January 1, 2024, no new enrollments are allowed for Special Connections.
Substance Use Disorder - Individuals
THIS PROVIDER TYPE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR NEW ENROLLMENTS. Services may be provided under the "Licensed Behavioral Health Clinician" provider type.
Provider Type: 74
Specialty: Durable Medical Equipment (DME) (SSN Only)
Specialty Code: 480
ENROLLMENT TYPE: Billing Individual – directly bills for themselves
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Conditional | BT Allowed? | Conditional |
Provider Type: 14
Specialty: Complex Rehabilitation Technology (CRT) (EIN Only)
Specialty Code: 481
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Conditional | BT Allowed? | Conditional |
Specialty: Durable Medical Equipment (DME) (EIN Only)
Specialty Code: 482
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | High | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Conditional | BT Allowed? | Conditional |
Provider Type: 13 - Emergency Medical Transportation and Air Ambulance
Specialty: Air - Emergent & Non-Emergent
Specialty Code: 086
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: County Agency, Non Metro Area
Specialty Code: 124
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | No | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Specialty: Emergency
Specialty Code: 324
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | No | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |
Provider Type: 73 - Non-Emergent Medical Transportation
The state has imposed a moratorium on new enrollments for non-emergency medical transportation due to a significant potential for fraud, waste, or abuse to the Medicaid program in accordance with 42 CFR 455.470. An extension of a maximum of six months was requested and approved by CMS, effective April 1, 2024.
Provider Type: 49
Specialty: X-Ray Facility
Specialty Code: 495
Enrollment Type: Facility
Required Attachments:
Risk Level: | Moderate | Fee Req'd? | Yes | NPI Req'd? | Yes |
Medicare Req'd? | Yes | OOS Allowed? | Yes | BT Allowed? | Yes |