Amended Schedules and /or Creditors List and Matrix
This procedure explains how to use the amended events relating to schedules and creditor list/matrix. Please use the event codes as follows:
1. Amended Schedules A-C and G-J (No Fee Required): Schedule A- Real Property; Schedule B - Personal Property; Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt; Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases; Schedule H: Co-Debtor; Schedule I: Current Income of Individual Debtor; Schedule J: Current Expenditures of Individual Debtor (s).
- Use this event when amending the above-referenced schedules.
- No fee is required for the amendment of these schedules.
2. Amended Schedules D, E and F (Fee Required): Schedule D: Creditors Holding Secured Claims; Schedule E: Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims, and Schedule F: Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims:
- Use this event when adding creditors, deleting creditors, changing amounts of a debt or changing classification of a debt.
- A fee is required and the event will prompt you to pay. Refer to the Court's Fee Schedule located at
- When amending these schedules, an updated creditor list shall be included as and attachment to this event and should only include the creditors with changes.
- Attach an updated creditor list to the Amendment with only the changes. DO NOT SUBMIT the entire creditor list- only those being added.
- If creditors are being deleted, make notation of those creditors requiring deletion.
- The court will update the creditor list accordingly.
3. Amended Matrix (Fee Required):
- Use this event when making changes to the existing creditor list/matrix.
- DO NOT docket this event if you filed an Amended Schedules D, E and F. This will cause you to be charged again. Include the amended creditor matrix/list as an attachment to the Amended Schedules D, E and F (Fee Required) Event. Refer to #2.
The following procedures explains how to docket the documents:
Click the Bankruptcy hyperlink on the CM/ECF Main Menu.
- Click the Miscellaneous hyperlink.
- Enter the Case Number, click Next .
- Select Amended Schedules (D, E, and F- Fee Required) , click Next.
- Select the Debtor (s), click Next.
- Associate the pdf file of the Amended Schedule , click Next.
In order to attach supporting documents to the main document, click the
Yes radio button.
NOTE: An attached document will be reference in the docket text separately, and the attached image will be accessible by clicking on the hyperlink within the docket text.
- Click Browse, then navigate to the drive and directory where the appropriate PDF file for the attachment is located and select it.
- Select a document type from the pick list, and/or enter a description in the description box. You cannot leave both of these boxes blank. i.e. Exhibit Additional creditors only.
- Click Add to List. The path and file name are added to the List box. To attach additional supporting
documents, repeat this process.
NOTE: The following message will display. Please enter the appropriate answer.
Select each schedule being filed:
On the following screens, enter the total amount for the schedule [s] D, E, and/or F, not
just the amended amount.
- Schedule D:
- Schedule E:
- Schedule F:
Click Next .
Enter the total from the selected schedule, click Next.
NOTE: The fee amount displays.
- Click Next.
- Enhance the docket text if necessary.
- Click Next.
- Review the final docket text.
- Click Next.