Washington State Speeding Ticket Deferrals

Getting a speeding ticket is never exciting news. That being said, while getting a speeding ticket in Washington state may seem like a stressful event that could have negative impacts on your life in the long run, it doesn’t have to be. There are different ways you can fight a speeding ticket in order to get a deferral. In this guide, we will go through what a deferral is, how to request a hearing for it, and what your best options are to avoid impacting your driving record.

What Is a Ticket Deferral?

To defer a traffic ticket means the court associated with your citation agrees to leave it off of your driving record. It does not mean that you do not have to pay the fine associated with your ticket. Rather, it means that you do not have to face the possible long-term consequences which can arise if you accumulate citations on your record.

The official Washington State Infraction Deferral Program is designed to help drivers without any recent driving violations have their citation dismissed so it would not appear on their driving record. Having a citation appear on a driving record can increase your automobile insurance rates in the long run, and worsen the consequences of any tickets you may receive thereafter.

How Do I Request a Hearing for a Ticket Deferral?

There are two main ways to request a hearing for a ticket deferral. You can either contact by phone or in person the court assigned to you on your citation, or request a ticket deferral online by going through your local county’s website. It is important to remember that this request must be submitted within 15 days of getting the ticket, or the deferral will not be taken into consideration.

Ticket Deferral Qualifications

There are certain deferral qualifications you must meet in the state of Washington before being considered eligible to apply. It is important to carefully read each of these qualifications so you don’t find yourself applying to the program for nothing. The qualifications include:

● Not having had any moving vehicle violations in the past 7 years

● Not having had any non-moving vehicle violations in the past 7 years

● Paying the fine written on the citation in full

The process can be relatively quick, and according to the Washington State application form, “You may assume that your application is approved unless the Court notifies you.” Just make sure you submit your request in the 15 days following the citation or you will not be eligible for the ticket deferral program.

Ticket Deferral Conditions

Along with the qualifications you must satisfy in order to be eligible for the Washington State speeding ticket deferral program, there are certain general conditions which are involved in Washington State’s ticket deferral program. These general conditions include:

● A $150 non-refundable court fee

● The length of the Deferral may be imposed up to 1 year.

● New traffic violations may cause the deferral to be revoked

● You must provide proof of successful completion to the court and it will be at your cost

● If you have been denied you cannot apply for a deferral on the same citation

By taking these into account, you can be sure that you will not face any unexpected consequences even if your deferral is validated. Remember, a deferral means that your citation will not appear on your driving record, but it does not mean that you will not face any repercussions due to your violation.

Hire a Lawyer Through App WinIt to Fight Your Ticket

Deterring your speeding ticket in Washington State may seem like the best and easiest option if you are faced with the situation. But this is not the case, as you will still be faced with fines and the entire procedure surrounding having to submit a request. And after completing all of these steps, you still need to wait to see whether the court approves or disapproves of your request.

This is why we recommend fighting your ticket. Fortunately for people with traffic violation tickets, there is an easy, quick, and hassle-free way to deal with a speeding ticket you may be facing in Washington State. With its team of qualified professionals, WinIt will help you not only avoid getting the citation landed on your driving record, but may help you avoid fines and enormous amounts of paperwork.

So What is App WinIt?

WinIt is a platform designed to put clients with traffic or parking violation tickets in touch with professional attorneys which will take care of all the dirty work and help you fight a citation. The platform is easy to use and accessible: all you have to do is send in all the necessary details regarding your personal and citation information, and wait for the platform to review your case and send you a quote.

You will then be able to select a professional to represent you. From that point on, you won’t have to worry about any paperwork or complicated judicial processes. Your attorney will keep you in the loop of any changes and advancements regarding your case.

If you have received a speeding ticket in Washington State, your first step is to fill out this free and easy form online. You can access an extensive amount of information on Washington State parking and traffic tickets, costs, driver’s license point system, and frequently asked questions. The rest of the site can also provide useful information on parking or traffic tickets you may face in other states.


There are several ways that you can deal with a speeding ticket issued in Washington State. Deferrals are sometimes the only possible option for you to avoid the worst. However, opting for the best option usually means getting in touch with a professional in order to fight your ticket and avoid paying fines, getting the citation marked on your driving record, and possibly getting your license revoked if other violations ensue.