Landlord Tenant Mediation: A Modern Approach to Tenant Issues

Landlord Tenant Mediation: A Modern Approach to Tenant Issues

According to, over $145 million of unpaid rent is lost by 22 million American landlords per year. For the purposes of this post, the term “landlord” will refer to both traditional landlords and property managers.

For large property management companies and hobby landlords alike, these numbers are staggering. Generating profit from rental properties depends on tenants paying rent on time. The margin for error—i.e., the number of days a rental payment is late—is lowest for those landlords with less than five rental properties.

Consider the immediate financial impact: attorneys are expensive (on average, +$250/hour); and eviction is very expensive ($1,698 on average). In addition to cost, evictions can take months depending on the outcome and appeals. That means your tenant is living in your property for another month or more for free. Because you chose to go to court and make the situation adversarial, your tenant is not likely to pay another dime.

Evictions are also messy. Removing people from their homes predictably invokes emotions. In addition to affecting you on a human level, this also has a bottom-line impact. Evicted tenants make angry ex-tenants; angry ex-tenants leave bad reviews; and bad reviews affect the quality of future tenants, resulting in more issues down the road. After all, 88% of people read reviews to determine the quality of a potential property. You need to protect your reputation and evictions don’t help.

It’s pretty obvious that evicting bad tenants isn’t the best option. However, if it’s your only lever to pull in the face of nonpayment of rent, you don’t have any choice but to pull it. This post will explore a new lever, one that uses modern technology and has the potential to change how landlords handle nonpayment issues with tenants: professional online mediation.

What is Mediation?

Small claims and eviction courts are overburdened and underfunded. Meanwhile, 88-92% of all cases resolve before trial. Many of these resolutions occur just before trial in the courtroom hallway before anyone has seen a judge. When this happens, landlords find themselves wondering why the outcome wasn’t reached sooner.

This is the job of a professional mediator: to find that resolution from the courtroom hallway—before all the time and money is wasted filing a lawsuit, preparing for trial, and showing up at the courthouse.

Mediation is a voluntary process in which people hire a neutral professional, the mediator, to facilitate a mutually beneficial, legally-binding resolution to their dispute. Attorneys can be involved but aren’t necessary.

Put plainly, it’s a negotiation between you and your tenant with the assistance of a professional negotiator. You control almost every decision along the way: one-on-one conversations or everyone discussing at once; a single sitting or over a period of time (i.e., “synchronous” v. “asynchronous”); in-person or by video chat/phone/email; and you craft your own resolution. You know what your interests are, so you are in control.

Potentially the biggest benefit of mediation, compared to court, is that all risk of losing at trial is eliminated. Every party, in every court case, has a chance of losing—no matter what the facts are (or how sure the attorney is in the case). The problem is, unlike high-dollar cases, trials for landlord-tenant cases last about twenty minutes. And the outcome is truly at the judge’s discretion, which very well could hinge on the current mood of the particular judge.

Legality of Mediation

Here, we’ll look at the legal aspects of mediation.

Before a mediation can begin, the only document that has to be signed is a confidentiality agreement. This outlines the confidentiality requirements of mediation and is exactly what it sounds like — no one can repeat anything said or written during a mediation. After that’s signed, you’re ready to begin!

The true beauty of the actual mediation process lies in its flexibility. As for the law’s role when it comes to the actual mediation, aside from the obligations of the mediator, there is currently no defined process on how mediations must be conducted.

At the conclusion of a mediation, if successful, the disputants will reach a Resolution Agreement. Unlike the process of a mediation, Resolution Agreements are directly affected and contemplated by state laws. I won’t go into nuanced state laws here or the differences between and amongst different states (check with your attorney on these specific questions). Suffice to say, though, that the Resolution Agreement must be entered into knowingly and voluntarily by the landlord and tenant.

A Resolution Agreement is an amendment to the lease. This keeps the Resolution Agreement—and all of the rights and obligations thereunder—governed by landlord-tenant laws, rather than general contract law.** One example where this could come into play is if, after the landlord-tenant mediation, the obligations of the Resolution Agreement are not followed by the tenant. In this case, the landlord would still be able to file a claim in eviction (or “unlawful detainer”) court because the Resolution Agreement falls under landlord-tenant law.

Other than that, the Resolution Agreement is just like any other legally-enforceable contract. If a Resolution Agreement is reached after a mediation but is not followed, the landlord has a right to go to court. In that action, not only will the landlord have the underlying claims—i.e., whatever the issue was that began the mediation—but that landlord will also have the breach of the Resolution Agreement on his or her side.

Mediation Online

Today, you can go to college, work, and get married online. Every 30 seconds, over $1.2 million is generated in e-commerce. Business has gone virtual; but, until the past few years, dispute resolution has remained primarily a costly, face-to-face endeavor.

Not anymore. Landlords who take advantage of available tools, including online dispute resolution, will have the first-mover advantage in terms of decreased costs and larger margins. It simply makes sense that dispute resolution, and specifically mediation, will go virtual. In fact, it’s already taking over customer service and conflict in the e-commerce world.

There are several online mediation tools available online.

The process is very simple. After connecting with your online mediator, you use video chat, phone, and email. Your mediator will work through the issues with you and your tenant individually, employing tools of a trained professional. The landlord-tenant mediation is conducted entirely on your time, without having to leave your home or office.

Why Negotiate With a Tenant Who Isn’t Paying Rent?

A tenant who is behind on paying rent is already breaching one agreement, i.e., the lease, so relying on them to follow through on another one brings to mind the old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” right?

Maybe not. Statistics show that resolving a single dispute outside of court, as opposed to going to trial, is the most business rational choice from an economic perspective. This is due to the unpredictability of court, the time-value of money, and the sheer inefficiency of eviction courts. Extrapolate that to all of your disputes, whether you own three rental units or 10,000, and you see a drastic decline in expenses related to dispute resolution.

Start with the upfront cost. The average cost of an eviction is $3,500-10,000, not calculating your time (consulting with your attorney, going to court, and so on). That amount also does not include the cost of bad reviews to your business.

Compare that to the lower cost of mediation, which can be as low as $89, and has a higher success rate.

One final consideration, strictly in terms of costs, is the likelihood of collecting the past-due rent. In court, a judge orders your tenant pay a certain dollar amount by a certain date. The tenant has lost the case and carries no ownership of the resolution; this makes collection of that judgment unlikely.

On the other hand, with landlord-tenant mediation, resolutions are crafted—and agreed to—by both sides. Your tenant helped build the resolution and thus has an inherent incentive in it being followed: ownership. No additional attorney fees, no chasing down your tenant, and you can move on with managing your property.

Landlord Tenant Mediation Outcomes

First, a concept taught in every mediation seminar and law school in the country: rights-based framing versus interest-based framing. Rights-based framing is viewing the issues in the strict construct of rights, based on statute, precedent, or another objective measure. For landlord-tenant disputes, lease obligations fall into this category. If a tenant is required to pay rent pursuant to the lease and does not pay, the landlord has a right to evict the tenant.

Interest-based framing is considering the entire context—and all of the underlying interests and values. Even though a landlord has a right to evict a tenant for not paying rent, the landlord also has interests in resolving the dispute quickly and cost-effectively. A third interest is often to get a new tenant into the unit that will pay. These interests, taken collectively, may outweigh the value of the landlord’s right to evict, given cost and time.

Landlord-tenant disputes are almost always focused on unpaid rent. When tenants don’t pay rent, it’s crucial for the landlord to rectify the situation as quickly as possible. This means getting a new tenant into the property. Recovering unpaid rent is also a priority, albeit secondary to getting a new tenant. Thus, when the eviction action is filed, the landlord is seeking to enforce both rights: (1) evict and (2) recover full amount of unpaid rent.

But consider the landlord’s interest in getting a new tenant in quickly; if a mediator can persuade the tenant to move out a month sooner than he or she would otherwise have to due to an eviction, on the condition that he or she only pay half of the unpaid rent, the landlord has now actually increased revenue for that extra month of having a paying tenant. And don’t forget, the landlord also avoided paying $1,698 to evict.

Most landlords are savvy enough to recognize that focusing on interests, rather than rights, often can result in a more profitable model in the long run. So, as a landlord, you may ask why hire a mediator—either you can convince the tenant to resolve without court, or the tenant is unwilling to agree at all. If it were that simple, however, mediators and arbitrators would be out of jobs. But they have a firm stronghold in the judicial world (and, in fact, their place is rapidly growing). Just like any other profession, there are many nuances that only come with legal training and years of experience.

Attitude Adjustment

Instead of immediately making the situation adversarial when a tenant misses a rent payment, it’s time for landlords to take a communicative, collaborative approach. This is something I’ve encountered as an attorney and mediator. In some property management circles— landlord attorneys at the top of this list—there seems to be a “churn ‘em and burn ‘em” attitude.

This combative way of thinking is condescending and stale. For comparison, consider employers treating their employees with respect. In 2014, revenues increased by an average of 22.2% for the 2014 “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For.” And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these same companies added new employees at a rate that was five times higher than the national average.

From my experience, treating people with respect begets respect. Choosing professional online mediation to resolve your disputes collaboratively—as opposed to combatively—will save you money and perhaps equally as important, show that your business respects those that it serves.

Next Steps

Online mediators use phone, video chat, and email to work with both sides to reach a mutual agreement. Mediations typically take a maximum of two weeks.

Online tools can help your life as a landlord tremendously. You can save time by managing your entire property online. At Avail, we help you find, screen, and keep quality tenants.