Designs Laws and Regulations Finland 2024

ICLG - Designs Laws and Regulations - Finland Chapter covers common issues in designs laws and regulations – including legislation, application, grounds for refusal, opposition, registration, invalidity and enforcement.

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1. Relevant Authorities and Legislation

1.1 What is the relevant Design authority in your jurisdiction?

The relevant design authority is the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (“PTO”).

1.2 What is the relevant Design legislation in your jurisdiction?

The relevant national legislation comprises the Registered Designs Act 221/1971 (“Designs Act”) and the Registered Designs Decree 252/71.

2. Application for a Design

2.1 What can be registered as a Design?

In order for a design to be protected by a design right, it has to meet two basic requirements: the design must be new; and the design must have individual character.

A design is considered new if no identical design has been made available to the public before the filing date or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority. If two designs differ only in immaterial details, they are considered identical. A design has individual character if an informed user receives a different overall impression of the design compared to designs made available before the filing date or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority.

Components of a product can also be registered as designs. However, a component needs to remain visible during normal use and meet the above-mentioned criteria of novelty and individual character in order for it to be registered.

2.2 What cannot be registered as a Design?

Even if a design meets the basic criteria for registration, it cannot be registered if it is contrary to public policy or accepted principles of morality. Furthermore, certain symbols and names require permission in order for the design to be registered. These include, e.g., the coat of arms, flag or emblem of a state, municipality, etc., an official mark or stamp of inspection for the same or similar articles, and another person’s trade name, symbol or trademark.

The features of appearance of a product cannot be protected by a design right if they are dictated by the product’s technical function or if the exact form is a result of the product being mechanically connected to or placed in another product so that the products can perform their respective functions.

2.3 What information is needed to register a Design?

The application must include (1) information identifying the applicant, (2) the name of the creator of the design, (3) specification of the product that the application concerns, (4) priority claim, (5) request for postponing the publication, and (6) representation of the design. If the applicant is not the creator, the application must include a confirmation that the design right has been transferred to the applicant. Where an application is filed through a representative, a Power of Attorney must be attached to the application.

2.4 What is the general procedure for Design registration?

Applications for registration of designs must be made in writing to the PTO by filling out a form online or on paper.

After the filing fee has been paid, the PTO examines the formal requirements for the application and the grounds for registration. In case the application is adequate, and the design meets the criteria for registration, the design is registered and published in the Design Gazette. In addition to novelty and individual character, it is examined whether the design is contrary to public policy or the accepted principles of morality, the subject matter of the application constitutes a design and whether it includes, without an appropriate consent, any state emblems or other signs of public interest, official marks, corporate name or commercial sign of a third party, name or image of a third person, original name of a written or artistic work, copyrighted matter of a third party, or something that differs only to an insignificant extent from the utility models or designs of others. The date of publication is followed by an opposition period of two months.

2.5 How is a Design adequately represented?

The illustrations should be either photographs or drawings. Any feature that cannot be seen in the illustrations will not be protected by the registration. Samples may be used for representation, but illustrations need to be provided as well.

2.6 Are Designs registered for specific goods or products?

Yes, there are 32 classes for which the designs are registered according to their purpose of use in accordance with the Locarno Classification.

2.7 Is there a “grace period” in your jurisdiction, and if so, how long is it?

Yes, there is a grace period of 12 months pursuant to the Designs Act.

2.8 What territories (including dependents, colonies, etc.) are or can be covered by a Design in your jurisdiction?

National designs cover the territory of Finland.

2.9 Who can own a Design in your jurisdiction?

Both a private person and a corporate entity can own a design.

2.10 How long on average does registration take?

Processing a design application at the PTO takes under one month on average.

2.11 What is the average cost of obtaining a Design in your jurisdiction?

The application fee is 250 euros when the online filing system is used and 300 euros if the application is submitted on paper. Additional fees may sometimes apply, e.g., if the design is registered for multiple classes.

2.12 Is there more than one route to obtaining a registration in your jurisdiction?

Obtaining a registration is possible by filing an application via the PTO for a Finnish registered design, filing an application via the European Union Intellectual Property Office (“EUIPO”) for a registered Community design, or filing an international application through the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) designating either Finland or the EU.

2.13 Is a Power of Attorney needed?

When the application is filed through a representative, a Power of Attorney is needed.

2.14 If so, does a Power of Attorney require notarisation and/or legalisation?

No, a Power of Attorney does not require notarisation or legalisation.

2.15 How is priority claimed?

A priority claim based on a foreign application must be made in the design application within six months as of the first design application.

2.16 Can you defer publication of Design applications in your jurisdiction? If so, for how long?

Upon an applicant’s request, registration and publication may be deferred for a period of up to six months counted from the filing date or the date from which priority is claimed.

3. Grounds for Refusal

3.1 What are the grounds for refusal of registration?

The registration can be refused if the design does not meet the general requirements explained in question 2.1. It can also be refused if the design is contrary to public policy or accepted principles of morality or if the applicant does not provide the registering authority with a proper permission in the situations explained in question 2.2.

3.2 What are the ways to overcome a grounds objection?

If the design does not meet the legal requirements for registration or if the applicant failed to fill in the application properly, the applicant is invited to answer the objections or to make a correction within a prescribed period. If the applicant makes the required corrections to the design or the application, the design can be registered.

3.3 What is the right of appeal from a decision of refusal of registration from the Intellectual Property Office?

The final decision is taken by the PTO within 30 days of receipt of the decision.

3.4 What is the route of appeal?

Appeals from decisions taken by the PTO must be lodged with the Finnish Market Court. The Market Court’s decision may be appealed at the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland in case it grants a leave to appeal.

4. Opposition

4.1 Can a Design application be opposed, and if so, on what grounds?

Yes. Someone who considers themselves to be entitled to the design can oppose the registration if it has been applied for by someone not entitled to it. The registration can also be opposed by a person from whom a permission should have been received for registration or a holder of a conflicting right.

In cases other than those stated above, the opposition may be lodged by anyone who thinks that the design should not have been accepted.

4.2 Who can oppose the registration of a Design in your jurisdiction?

Please see question 4.1 above.

4.3 What is the procedure for opposition?

The opposition must be made in writing and it must include grounds for the opposition. After the two-month opposition period has expired, it is possible to complete the opposition, for example, with additional evidence, but the introduction of new grounds is not permitted.

Provided that the opposition meets the formal requirements or deficiencies in them are remedied, the applicant is notified of the opposition and invited to give a statement on it within two months. The opponent and the applicant are invited to give statements in turns and when there are no more statements given, the opposition is processed.

The matter is decided based on the application documents, the opposition and the given statements. The losing party can lodge an appeal against the decision with the Market Court.

5. Registration

5.1 What happens when a Design is granted registration?

Approved designs will be registered and published in the Design Gazette. The owner of the design will receive a registration certificate.

5.2 From which date following application do an applicant’s Design rights commence?

The design is conditionally protected from the application date onwards.

5.3 What is the term of a registered Design right?

The registration will be valid for five years from the filing date of the design application. Registration may be renewed four times, each time for a period of five years, for a maximum of 25 years.

5.4 How is a Design renewed?

The registration can be renewed no earlier than one year before it expires and no later than six months after it expires. Renewal may be made by filing a renewal application or by paying a renewal fee.

6. Registrable Transactions

6.1 Can an individual register the assignment of a Design?

Yes, assignment can be registered in the register.

6.2 Are there different types of assignment?

Where the assignment concerns a multiple design registration or application, it may concern all or only part of the designs included in that design. However, transfer of part of such designs cannot be registered in the register.

6.3 Can an individual register the licensing of a Design?

Yes, the registration of a licence is possible in the same way as an assignment.

6.4 Are there different types of licence?

Yes, in addition to a licence agreed upon by the parties, a compulsory licence can be issued.

6.5 Are there any laws that limit the terms upon which parties may agree a licence?

The terms are subject to freedom of contract. The terms are, however, limited by general restrictions such as the ban on coercion, fraudulent inducement and unfair terms.

6.6 Can Designs be the subject of a compulsory licence (or licences of right), and if so, in what circumstances does this arise and how are the terms settled?

A compulsory licence can be issued to someone who had been using the design in the course of trade when the application documents became public and who had no knowledge of the registration application and could not reasonably have obtained knowledge of it, provided that extraordinary reasons exist. Under the same criteria, anyone who has taken substantial steps to use the design in the course of trade has a right to such compulsory licence.

A compulsory licence is issued by the Market Court, which also decides the extent to which the design may be used and determines the compensation and other terms of the licence. When a substantial change in circumstances so demands, the court may, if so requested by the person concerned, revoke the licence or stipulate new terms.

6.7 Can a Design licensee sue for infringement?

Yes, the licensee can sue for infringement.

6.8 Are quality control clauses necessary in a licence?

No, quality control clauses are not necessary in a licence.

6.9 Can an individual register a security interest under a Design?

Yes, a design can be pledged as security for a debt. The pledging must be registered at the PTO for it to be valid.

6.10 Are there different types of security interest?

No, there are not.

7. Invalidity

7.1 What are the grounds for invalidity of a Design?

A design can be cancelled if it has been registered contrary to the provisions of the Designs Act, i.e., the product is not a design as defined in the Act, the design lacks novelty or individual character, the design is contrary to public policy or the accepted principles of morality or is dictated by the product’s technical function, or its exact form is a result of the product being mechanically connected to or placed in another product so that the products can perform their respective functions. Moreover, a design can be cancelled if a person whose permission should have been obtained has not consented to the registration (please see question 4.1 above).

7.2 What is the procedure for invalidation of a Design?

Cancellation action may be brought to the Market Court.

7.3 Who can commence invalidation proceedings?

If the design contains a state emblem or an official mark or the like and it has been registered without proper permission, cancellation action may be brought by the person whose right is infringed by the registration.

Where the holder of the registration is not the rightful owner of the design, cancellation action may be brought by the person who claims to be entitled to the design. A public prosecutor may also bring the action in the aforementioned cases on the basis of the design being against public policy or accepted principals of morality.

If the design is identical to a prior design or includes a third party’s prior right, cancellation action may be brought by the holder of the conflicting right.

If the case does not fall under the circumstances listed above, cancellation action may be brought by anyone who sustains damage as a result of the registration.

7.4 What grounds of defence can be raised to an invalidation action?

The possible grounds of defence are based on arguing that the design was registered in accordance with the provisions of the Designs Act.

7.5 What is the route of appeal from a decision of invalidity?

The Market Court’s decision can be appealed to the Supreme Court of Finland if the Supreme Court grants a leave to appeal.

8. Design Enforcement

8.1 How and before what tribunals can a Design be enforced against an infringer?

Disputes under the Designs Act are handled by the Market Court.

Charges of an intellectual property offence under the Criminal Code of Finland, and charges of violation of a right to a design and of an offence under the Designs Act are handled by the Helsinki District Court.

8.2 Are the issues of validity and infringement heard in the same proceedings or are they bifurcated?

The issues of validity and infringement of a design can be heard in the same proceedings by way of counterclaim in infringement proceedings or upon request of the party to the proceedings if the Market Court agrees to join the cases. In case the validity of the design is challenged, the court may also suspend the infringement proceedings pending the decision on the validity of the design.

8.3 What are the key pre-trial procedural stages and how long does it generally take for proceedings to reach trial from commencement?

There are no mandatory pre-trial actions; however, warning letters are usually sent before bringing the claim. Disputes begin with an application for a summons and a response to it. The Market Court may organise a so-called process hearing, which refers to a discussion between the parties usually taking place on the premises of the Market Court by the preparatory member’s speech, most often after the defendant has responded in writing to the action. The purpose of the process hearing is to clarify undisputed facts and other issues on which there is no disagreement at an early stage in the proceedings.

8.4 Are (i) preliminary, and (ii) final injunctions available, and if so, on what basis in each case?

A preliminary injunction can be requested at the Market Court either before the main action or in connection with the infringement claim if it is obvious that the design owner’s rights would otherwise be seriously endangered. The court must provide all the parties with an opportunity to be heard. The court may issue the injunction as an interlocutory injunction without hearing the alleged infringer if the urgency of the case so requires and the aim of the injunction would otherwise be jeopardised. When a preliminary injunction is granted, the applicant must bring a claim against the alleged infringer within one month of the issuance of the injunction.

A final injunction may be issued by the Market Court if it finds that a design infringement has occurred.

8.5 Can a party be compelled to provide disclosure of relevant documents or materials to its adversary, and if so, how?

Yes, a party can be compelled, by request of a party, to provide a document or an object if the document or object is sufficiently identified, is in the possession of the party and is relevant as evidence. The party can refuse to provide the document or object to the extent that it includes business secrets, unless the nature of the matter, the significance of the evidence for deciding the matter, or the consequences of presenting it and other circumstances require the disclosure of the information.

8.6 Are submissions or evidence presented in writing or orally and is there any potential for cross-examination of witnesses?

Submissions and evidence are submitted to the Market Court in writing together with the application for summons. In the oral hearing, the claims and evidence of the parties are orally presented to the Market Court, and visual inspection of samples is also permitted. The parties and experts may be heard during the hearing and it is possible to cross-examine witnesses.

8.7 Can infringement proceedings be stayed pending resolution of validity in another court or the Intellectual Property Office?

Proceedings can be stayed pending resolution of validity in other proceedings or procedures.

8.8 Is there any alternative shorter, flexible or streamlined procedure available? If so, what are the criteria for eligibility and what is the impact on procedure and overall timing to trial?

No, there is no alternative procedure available.

8.9 Who is permitted to represent parties to a Design dispute in court?

Parties can be represented by an attorney at law, a public legal adviser or a licensed trial counsel. A person who is in a contractual employment or public service relationship to a party and holds a Master of Laws degree can, in certain situations, be eligible to represent the party.

8.10 After what period is a claim for Design infringement time-barred?

Legal action seeking compensation for an infringement of design rights must commence within five years from the moment the damage occurred.

8.11 Are there criminal liabilities for Design infringement?

Yes, there is criminal liability if a design infringement constitutes an intellectual property right offence under the Criminal Code. The sentence is a fine or imprisonment for up to two years.

The Designs Act includes criminal liability for intentional infringement of a design right in cases that are not covered by the provisions of the Criminal Code. In these cases, a fine can be imposed on the infringer.

8.12 If so, who can pursue a criminal prosecution?

An injured party can pursue a criminal prosecution. The prosecutor may bring charges for a design right infringement only if the injured party reports it for prosecution or, in the case of the provisions of the Criminal Code, a very important public interest requires that charges are brought.

8.13 What, if any, are the provisions for unauthorised threats of Design infringement?

There are no express national provisions on threats of design infringement. However, the Supreme Court concluded in its Decision 2005:105 that a warning letter sent to retailers constituted unfair business practice. In that case, a design right holder claimed design right infringement and requested cessation of sales in a letter sent out to retailers of the alleged infringer. However, the design right was invalidated later on. In the specific circumstances of the case, the content of and claims made in the letter directed at third parties was deemed unfair business practice.

9. Defences to Infringement

9.1 What grounds of defence can be raised by way of non-infringement to a claim of Design infringement? For example, are there “must match” and/or “must fit” defences or equivalent available in the jurisdiction?

The Designs Act provides for the following defences:

9.2 What grounds of defence can be raised in addition to non-infringement?

According to Section 5(b) of the Designs Act, design registration does not allow its owner to prohibit: (1) private use of the design for non-commercial purposes; (2) use of the design for experimental purposes; (3) acts of reproduction for the purpose of citations or teaching; or (4) use of the design in the equipment onboard foreign ships and aircraft when such craft temporarily enter into Finland, the importation of spare parts and accessories for the purpose of repairing such craft, or the execution of repairs on such craft.

9.3 How does your jurisdiction deal with Design protection for spare parts?

The maximum term of protection is 15 years if the design is a component part of a complex product and is used to restore the original appearance of the complex product.

10. Relief

10.1 What remedies are available for Design infringement?

The infringer can be ordered to pay reasonable compensation for use of the design, and compensation for any further damage caused by the infringement. Intentional infringement of a design is punishable by a fine or even imprisonment. The infringing products can also be ordered to be altered, deposited for the remainder of the period of protection or destroyed. The products can also be surrendered to the person whose right has been infringed against remuneration.

10.2 Are damages or an account of profits assessed with the issues of infringement/validity or separately?

Usually, the amount of damages is assessed in connection with an infringement claim.

10.3 On what basis are damages or an account of profits assessed?

The infringer can be ordered to pay reasonable compensation (in practice, the cost of a reasonable licence) for the use of the design and compensation for damages. If the owner of the design right can show that they have suffered additional damage, e.g., loss of sales, the infringer can be held liable for that damage as well.

10.4 Are punitive damages available?

No, punitive damages do not exist in Finland.

10.5 Are costs recoverable from the losing party, and if so, how are they determined and what proportion of the costs can usually be recovered?

In general, the costs of civil justice cases are recoverable from the losing party in full. The proportion may be reduced if the court finds that it is unreasonable for the losing party to bear them in full in light of the circumstances that led to the proceedings, the position of the parties and the importance of the case as a whole.

11. Appeal

11.1 What is the right of appeal from a first instance judgment and is it only on a point of law?

In infringement cases, the judgment can be appealed to the Supreme Court if a leave to appeal is granted. The leave may be granted if a decision of the Supreme Court is necessary for the application of law in identical or similar cases or for the consistency of case law, an error in procedure or other error has taken place in the case, which by virtue of law requires that the decision is quashed, or there are other weighty reasons for granting leave to appeal. A decision on the granting of leave to appeal is made upon application.

11.2 In what circumstances can new evidence be added at the appeal stage?

New evidence can only be presented if the appellant establishes a probability that they had not been able to refer to the circumstance or evidence in the Market Court or that they had a justifiable reason for not doing so.

12. Border Control Measures

12.1 Is there a mechanism for seizing or preventing the importation of infringing articles, and if so, how quickly are such measures resolved?

The Finnish Customs can prevent the importation of infringing articles if they are brought to Finland for commercial purposes under Regulation (EU) 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

13. Other Related Rights

13.1 To what extent are unregistered Design rights enforceable in your jurisdiction?

The Designs Act does not recognise unregistered national designs, but unregistered designs are given protection under the Community Design Regulation. Unregistered Community designs are enforceable in Finland.

13.2 What is the term of unregistered Design rights enforceable in your jurisdiction?

The term of protection for unregistered Community designs is three years from the date of first publication.

13.3 What, if any, are the key differences between unregistered and registered Design rights in your jurisdiction?

An unregistered Community design will remain valid for three years, whereas a registered design can be valid for a maximum of 25 years.

The scope of protection for an unregistered Community design is more limited than for a registered design. Unregistered Community designs constitute a right to prevent only copying of the product. Therefore, the protection of unregistered Community designs cannot be extended to design products that are a result of a design independently arrived at by a second designer.

13.4 If unregistered Design protection is available in your jurisdiction, is protection cumulative or mutually exclusive?

There are no unregistered designs under national laws. Unregistered Community designs are afforded protection cumulatively to Finnish registered designs.

13.5 Is copyright available to protect industrial Designs?

Under the Finnish Copyright Act, industrial designs can be protected by copyright.

14. Current Developments

14.1 What have been the significant developments in relation to Designs in the last year?

There have been no significant developments in relation to designs in the last year.

14.2 Please list three important judgments in the Designs sphere that have been issued within the last 18 months.

The Supreme Court has not issued any judgments in the designs sphere within the last 18 months.

The Market Court has issued three judgments on designs in the last 18 months, as follows:

14.3 Are there any significant developments expected in the next year?

The Designs Directive and Community Design Regulation are being revised in the EU. Once adopted, regulation will affect Community designs and the Directive will be transposed into national law.

14.4 Are there any general practice or enforcement trends that have become apparent in your jurisdiction over the last year or so?

There have been no apparent trends in Finland in the recent years.

Production Editor's Note

This chapter has been written by a member of ICLG's international panel of experts, who has been exclusively appointed for this task as a leading professional in their field by Global Legal Group, ICLG's publisher. ICLG's in-house editorial team carefully reviews and edits each chapter, updated annually, and audits each one for originality, relevance and style, including anti-plagiarism and AI-detection tools. This chapter was copy-edited by Charlie Perriss , our in-house editor.